Mexico achieves commercial use of Li-Fi for the first time in the world

Mexico achieves commercial use of Li-Fi for the first time in the world

Mexico will become the first country in the world to commercialize Li-Fi (light fidelity technology).

This commercial use uses a technology called LedCom with voice, video and Internet transmission speeds of up to 15M per second.

LedCom technology was developed by Sisoft and officially started operation in January 2016.

Indoor Li-Fi systems can wirelessly transmit data through visible LED light generated by multiple LED lights indoors, replacing traditional modems and Wi-Fi signals.

The LED light is tuned to gigabit speeds to transmit the signal; if the light is bright enough, it is detected by a light sensor on a USB flash drive plugged into a laptop or other device. can be diffusely reflected back.

Arturo Campos Fentanes, executive president of Sisoft, said that many countries, including Russia, the United States, Israel and China, are working on the research and development of this technology, but Mexico is the first country in the world to put this technology on the market and put it into daily use.

Transfer speed up to 10GB/s

Although the transfer rate depends on the service provider, it can range from 200MB/s to 10GB/s (equivalent to downloading a high-definition movie in 30 seconds)

Desk lamp as a control unit

" Campos said: "We wanted the luminaire to be beautiful while also achieving light intensity conditions to perform optimized data transmission.

We therefore produced a desk lamp that combines the above technologies with a receiver embedded inside.

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